Advertising online is a great way to get your business moving quickly. It can get your brand in front of an audience that may have never heard of you otherwise, put you above the search results, or supplement a strong SEO campaign. There are different kinds of online ads, so let’s take a look at a few that we can help you use.

Google AdWords

Search Network

The Google AdWords search network is a pay-per-click (PPC) program that puts your business at the top and bottom of search results that are relevant to your business. You’ll pay Google every time someone clicks on one of your ads. There are a few different ways you can show up in the results:

Besides the location extension, there are several other extensions that can be used to enhance your listing.Your placement at either the top or bottom of the results (or even on the first page versus subsequent pages), depends on how much you are willing to pay for each click and how good your ad is. Google uses “quality score” to determine the quality of your ad. High-quality ads will cost less to run and will have a better chance of appearing first. One of the main factors for quality is the quality of the landing page that the ad points to. Usually, we try to make a new landing page specifically for each ad.

Display Network

Google’s display network works similarly to the search network. The big difference is placement. Instead of appearing in the search results, you’ll appear on other websites that are relevant to your audience. This is a great option for getting your brand in front of people who have never heard of you, or wouldn’t immediately think to search for your product. You can also target people who have previously shown interest in your brand, and essentially “follow them” around the web.

Facebook Ads

Facebook provides an excellent outlet for advertising online. You have a lot of control over what demographic you target, and the ads are relatively inexpensive. If you’re interested in trying this option, check out our social media management offerings.